Wonderful Promises For A Blessed Life (one credit)
Wonderful Promises For A Blessed Life (one credit)
God's secret place is where we can take our stand of faith, receive God's blessings, believe for a miracle, resist the fiery darts of the wicked one, and receive every covenant promise that the Lord has provided.
All of our courses are continuously updated and expanded, and once you enroll -- you have access to review for a lifetime! Test questions are purposely designed to be "easy." The important thing is that you understand the Bible principles.
Please email us your Application -- click here.
(Only required for the first course enrolled in.)
Also send an email when you finish a course so that we can confirm our records and mail your Completion Certificate.
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Our goal is to provide a quality, well respected, uncompromised Bible education. In other words, our courses are Christ-centered, faith-filled and Spirit-filled.
We want to strengthen your faith and give a great "how to" guideline in applying God's promises to your every day life, and your ministry goals. Completion Certificates are provided for every completed course. Plus, after completing 38 credits and completing a general exam, you'll earn a Ministry Diploma. Plus, there is opportunity to qualify for licensing and ordination.
Some of our courses include:
Praying With Power, Healing Ministry, Faith Principles, Holy Spirit Power, In Christ Realities, The Believer's Authority, Dominion Restored, Spiritual Warfare, Power of God, Praise & Worship, Excellence in Ministry, Prophetic Ministry, End-time Prophecies, Paul's Revelations, Pastor's Ministry, Leadership Principles.
Your Instructor
Ron has earned Bachelor and Master degrees in Business management.
Ron has also studied with:
*Charis Bible College
*Rhema Bible College.
*Dominion Life Institute
*Sure Foundation Theological Institute
Of course, these Bible College studies are incorporated in all Forecast For Life courses.
**Request a brochure explaining FFLBI purpose and ministry goals. Send note to email: FaithForecast@gmail,com